This week at Billsby we're adding more new features to help you understand and manage your company, with our new Transaction logs and Google Analytics tracking integration.
Transaction Logs
No one likes a failed payment, so we've made it easier to keep track of transactions and solve potential payment issues from inside your Billsby control panel.
Navigate to
in the
menu to see a comprehensive log of all of your company transactions, including instances where a sign up failed at checkout. To help you keep track of failed payments, each transaction is labelled based on whether a payment was successfully processed, if it has been declined, or failed.
Clicking on an individual transaction will let you see more details on the payment, such as a raw payment log and reference number, to help you troubleshoot potential fails or declines with your customers.
For our users who process payments with or Stripe, we're able to provide some of that additional information right in the modal to make resolving any payment issues easier. Keep your eyes peeled, we'll be adding this support for more gateways in the near future.
Google Analytics Tracking
Google Analytics is an excellent tool to help evaluate and measure how your marketing, content, and products are performing relative to user engagement.
You can now integrate our self-service checkout modal with Google Analytics and start tracking page metrics, customer conversions, and logging events. It collects your data and sorts it into useful information to give you more insight and help you make more informed business decisions.
Check out our support documentation for more information on how to set this up.